Rabobank Rijk van Nijmegen
Start-ups and scale-ups are economic innovators because of their innovative strength. They make an important contribution to solving social challenges and are a key driver of growth and employment in the Netherlands. This fits in seamlessly with our ambition; Rabobank wants to support innovative and fast-growing companies by building sustainable relationships and being a partner in their growth and success. We do this through the Startup & Scale-up Team and, more recently, through our new portal. You will find there all the information about how Rabobank can help startups and scale-ups, and how you can innovate together with Rabobank.
Rabobank has dedicated specialists who support startups and scale-ups in their entrepreneurship. We work with fast-growing innovative companies on a daily basis, so we understand the needs and challenges of these entrepreneurs. We know the language of investors and financiers. With our financial products and services, our (inter)national network and our knowledge, we help start-ups & scale-ups to develop their ambitions.
One portal for startups & scale-ups
Our new portal www.rabobank.nl/startup-scaleup recently brought together all relevant information, such as:
· Inspiring stories of innovative companies
· Information on funding opportunities that can help you further. Even if there are no proven results, cash flow or paying customers yet.
· Innovative Rabobank partners that can also strengthen your business and with whom we can put you in touch
· Information about the Rabobank Startup & Scale-up team
· Insurance and pension for startups & scale-ups
· How you can innovate together with Rabobank
· One contact form to make sure your question gets answered by the right Rabobank advisor
For all financing questions about startups & scale-ups and Rabobank, please contact:
Robin van Heeswijk, Advisor SME (Health and Innovation) +316 12 718 025.
Thijs Reiling, Startup & Scale-up Banker +316 22 691 725.
Jeroen Ekkel, Startup & Scale-up Banker =316 53 957 119
We hope to make a positive contribution to your chances of success and the development speed of your company.