
Market Readiness Program

Do you know who your early adopters are? Is your solution the best solution to the problem they are experiencing? Those are the type of questions you will work with in the Market Readiness Program (MRP) of OostNL. In this part-time, ten-week long program you will test your customer assumptions aiming to define and validate your solution, find early adopters for it within a specific customer’s segment, develop a potential business-model and gain commitment of a launching customer.

The MRP is similar to the Discovery Track of Mercator’s IMPROVE Program. The most important difference is that it goes further than problem-solution-fit. You can follow the MRP for free, but it does require a significant portion of your time. In some of the weeks, we expect you to invest 20 or even 30 hours of your time in this program. On the other hand, we have learned that in many cases this investment pays off in the long run.

OostNL has fresh MRP classes starting several times each year. So if you’re interested, make sure to check the upcoming registration dates!
