
Digital Health in Nijmegen: Stronger together

In the Nijmegen region, the Digital Health focus is actively working on connecting care institutions and knowledge institutes with companies that develop digital solutions. During the last Health Valley event, Tom van de Belt emphasized the importance of joining forces:


“Because of corona, the need for digital healthcare is greater than ever, especially in our city with its large healthcare sector. Yet all too often, digital innovations remain a pilot, because the functionality does not exactly match the wishes of end users such as a doctor, nurse or patient. This is a missed opportunity, which is why we focus on connecting end users with companies earlier and better. An important first step is to systematically identify needs”.


Next, companies are challenged. This is done within the framework of the network program Briskr Validate! Martijn Kriens, project leader of Briskr Validate:


“Challenging companies to come up with a certain solution can not only lead to an innovation faster but also has the potential to be of better quality. This is certainly true in the field of digital health”.


The expectations are therefore high. Van de Belt and Kriens look further. According to them, the Nijmegen region has all the ingredients needed to create a vibrant Digital Health region. In addition to healthcare institutions and companies, they are also thinking of other partners such as the municipality of Nijmegen and the payers of healthcare. That is why they are committed to the creation of a genuine Digital Health Hub, in which co-creation, validation and bringing digital health solutions to the market are central. The plans for this are currently being worked out. If interested, please contact both gentlemen, en