
Faculty of Impact has launched

Faculty of Impact’ has just launched: a brand new program aimed at turning promising research into a business with impact.

Faculty of Impact is adopted from / inspired by three US programs: Cyclotron Road at UC Berkeley, Runway at Cornell Tech and Activate at MIT. All three use a similar format: researchers receive a grant for two years, to focus 100% of their time on turning their research into a business with impact. On top of that they get access to research labs, entrepreneurship training, coaching over the course of two years, support in the search for funding (both government grants and investor capital) and support in their search for customers.

The focus of the first call is on sustainability and the energy transition. Applications are now open – de deadline is 18th January 2022. Attached you’ll find a flyer with more info – or visit the website to download an application kit. Future calls will focus on AI, MedTech and other areas of research.