
Extra subsidy opportunity Digipro

There is now an extra subsidy opportunity within Digipro. In an extra call 6 to 7 Module 5 (innovation) projects can be financed. Make use of this unique opportunity by submitting a pre-application before 15 December and who knows, maybe you can start your cross-border innovation project early 2022.


The most important conditions are:

  • Only M5 (innovation projects) are possible within this Digipro call.
  • The maximum project costs are €75,000 and the grant rate is 40%.
  • Digipro stands for borderless digital innovations, your project has to contribute to this objective.
  • It must involve a fully-fledged partnership at its own expense and risk. The budget for one partner is maximum 70% of the total. The main applicant is an SME, with at least one partner on the other side of the border.
  • In contrast to previous calls, both applicant and partner may come from the entire INTERREG VA area, thus also from the Northern provinces.
  • A preproposal must be submitted before 15-12-2021 (17:00 CET). However, if you are interested, please contact us before 1 December.
  • Projects can start in Q1 2022 (exact date to be announced) and have to be completed before 1-10-2022.


For further questions, please contact Digipro.


1. Voorwaarden_Bedingungen extra call Digipro NL-DE