
Workshop Sales

The importance of an excellent Sales- and Go-to-market strategy for startups

Many startups have learned the hard way that developing great products is not enough to be successful. For many startups, and especially for startups with founders with a technical focus, sales is a new area. The realization that specific targeted sales is a key aspect for the business, is important for the success of your startup. Your clients are the basis for your company to succeed or not: “Remember the client is always right..”.

Assuming you’ve done your market validation and know your specific client target group: What strategy will be used to sell the solution in the market, and what does this mean for your sales team, the business model, branding, marketing etc.? Your company is unique. However, it is a fact that sales processes hardly differ from company to company, and that’s where potential can be unlocked!

Briskr, OostNL and Orion have joined forces to support serious startups and their founders by offering this extended workshop series. During this energetic workshop series, consisting of four parts, you will learn what you can do to boost sales in your company. Let’s unlock the full potential of your organization!

What you will learn

  1. The key challenges of many other startups & scaleups with regards to the topic of sales
  2. How you can address those challenges in a pragmatic way
  3. Tips & tricks that you can put to practice immediately

The setup of the workshop
• May 13 Part 1: Deadline online intake questionnaire:
• June 8 Part 2: Group training (one full day @Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen)
• June 30 or July 1 Part 3: Online sessions for Q&A + shared learning (3 participants/session, 1.5 hours)
• September 6 Part 4: Get-together-again session (afternoon @Novio Tech Campus)

Key aspects
• Hands-on, practical and pragmatic
• With lots of personal attention, to make sure your business gets a booster
• Possibility to connect with peers & to share experiences

Your host: Hans Dirne

Hans is eager to unlock the full potential of companies and individuals. He is owner & founder of “Scale-Up.MBA” and “MyBusinessAdvisor” ( and former Head of Sales of Siemens Building Technologies. He has 13 years (international) corporate sales and 3.5 years of Start-Up & Scale-Up sales experience. His background is in electrical engineering.

Requirements to you as participant
• Active in sales yourself (e.g. as (Co-)Founder, CEO, CCO, …)
• Working in a B2B environment
• Have a proven solution with (some) paying customers already
• Eager to learn & share
• Looking for a serious boost in the structure of your sales activities as well as in your business results

The costs to participate in this sales workshop series is € 200,- We will send an invoice after you have registered and your participation is confirmed once you have settled the invoice.

To round up
• I am aware not all (co-)founders appreciate the topic of sales, neither enjoy doing it. Don’t worry, that’s exactly why you should be here!
• Ever heard of a “Sales Playbook”? Google it, could be interesting for your business too
• We have only have limited availability (20 seats). Be quick and reserve your seat before May 6!
Sales really is essential for the growth of your business