Webinar: 4 Things You Can Do to Prevent Contamination in Your Cell Culture Lab: The Role of CO2 Incubators
CO2 incubators play a vital roll in cell and tissue culture. Many times good cell growth is hindered or made impossible by contamination. Discover which factors you can influence to reduce or even eliminate the risk of contamination. LearnLab by BINDER demonstrates how you can improve contamination management in your lab environment and which impact different CO2 incubator design features have on contamination prevention. You will be surprised to see how quickly contamination spreads. The objective of this webinar is to contribute to improve and maintan good cell culture practice in your CO2 incubators. Tune in.
Expert from BINDER Lothar Maresch will engage in discussions highlighting:
- Major sources of contamination in a cell culture lab and practical ways to combat them.
- Significant role played by CO2 incubators in maintaining an uncontaminated culture environment.
- Key design features of CO2 incubators which aid in contamination prevention.
- Influence of environment and handling on contamination levels and the subsequent effects on cell and tissue growth.
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