Science Cafe Nijmegen: Identity, who am I?
Who am I? Who do I want to be? How do others see me? Identity and identity questions play an important role in our thinking, feeling and acting. As we continuously relate to an ever-changing reality, a core idea is forming of who you essentially are. This is a complex process involving a series of major and minor crises. Although central during adolescence, your identity continues to evolve throughout your life. Identity is key in certain disorders and problems related to anxiety and insecurity – such as those surrounding ethnicity and gender dysphoria – and is ultimately fundamental to our functioning and happiness.
But what do we exactly know about identity and identity development? Before we dive into the summer, Science Café Nijmegen will be hosting identity researchers Susan Branje (UU), Lisanne de Moor (UU & TU) and Andrik Becht (UU) on Wednesday evening June 15th, to educate us and discuss this (in Dutch). Branje will discuss identity as a psychosocial phenomenon; how it is shaped by your relationships and interactions with others and the wider social context. De Moor studies identity through narratives – the stories we create about ourselves – and also looks at psychological problems. Becht will outline his research into identity insecurity and depression and will also discuss the (testing of) identity theory and the relationship between brain development and identity. For Tia Mangola, it’s always summer; they will give this evening a touch of identidade Brasileira.
scientists /8pm Susan Branje (UU), Andrik Becht (UU) and Lisanne de Moor (UU & TU)
music /7.30pm Tia Mangola
moderator Linda Drijvers
time Wednesday June 15th 2022, 7.30/8 – 10 pm
venue The Shamrock, Smetiusstraat 17 in Nijmegen
admission free admission (no reservation)
language Dutch