
Roadblocks to Progress: Unraveling the Strain of the EU Medical Device Regulation on Manufacturers

Discover insights, strategies, and solutions to navigate the complex landscape of EU MDR. Engage with industry experts both in-person and virtually, as we decode challenges and pave the way for success. Secure your spot today!

Fundamentals of the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR)

  1. What is MDR?
  2. Why was it implemented?
  3. When did it come to force and what are the transition timelines?


  • An overview of the challenges for manufacturers
  • Increased scrutiny for pre-market approval
  • The impact on small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Solutions to navigate the new MDR requirements.
  • Conclusion and our recommendations

In-person participants:

GCP-Service International HQ office, Bremen, Germany

Register here