The significance of sex differences in biomedical research
Traditionally, biomedical research has focused on the “70-kilogram man”. Differences between men’s and women’s bodies were not taken into account. Genetically, these differ only in the X and Y chromosomes, but what are the hormonal and physiological consequences? How does this influence the disease symptoms, course and treatment? And does that result in actual men’s or women’s diseases? Research based on men has led to disease models which are applicable to men only. In recent years, however, it has become clear that there are indeed medically significant differences between the sexes. Certain diseases, such as heart failure, manifest differently in women. Moreover, the sex difference is not only in the effect of a disease, but also entails its treatment. Therefore, it’s crucial that both sexes are represented well in biomedical research. Is this already happening enough or are there still problematic shortcomings?
On Monday evening April 24, the Science Café is hosting Ineke Klinge (Dutch Society for Gender and Health) and Loes Visser (Erasmus MC), two experts in the field of sex differences in biomedical research. Pioneer Klinge has been involved from the very beginning of gender studies, first as a PhD student and later with her own line of research. In recent years, she has been advising researchers at a European level on broadening the gender perspective within their research. Visser is a hospital pharmacist and clinical epidemiologist. Her research centers around sexe-specific drug effects. She focuses not only on the difference in side effects and related hospital admissions, but also on other male/female differences such as adherence to therapy. In addition to the science and discussions (in Dutch), Olaf Putker & the Scenic Sound will bring an original mix of music styles, inspired by contemporary indie and seventies folk.
scientists /8pm Ineke Klinge (NVG&G) en Loes Visser (Erasmus MC)
music /7.30pm Olaf Putker & the Scenic Sound
moderator Ronald Kleiss
time Monday April 24th 2023, 7.30/8 – 10 pm
venue The Shamrock, Smetiusstraat 17 in Nijmegen
admission free admission (no reservation)
language Dutch