

a symbiosis of AI and humans

AI outperforming humans has become a source of anxiety, a feeling that only intensified upon last year’s introduction of stunning generative AI’s such as ChatGPT, Bing Chat and Dall-E. It is however no secret that humans and AI’s function differently. AI excels in pattern recognition or gathering and finding rules to sort extremely large amounts of data, while evolution has set us apart in our ability to draw complex parallels, structure knowledge and integrate it in the world we live in, to adapt and collaborate with others. A likelier and much less dystopian scenario to AI taking over is therefore the one of ‘hybrid intelligence’, where artificial and human intelligence complement each other in a symbiotic way. The realization of such a symbiosis brings serious R&D challenges and requires AI to explicitly take people, humanity and sometimes even biases into account, calling for explainability (no black box), reciprocity, social skills and awareness of cultural diversity, values and ethics. A symbiosis that might in turn give us the opportunity to grow and to learn more about ourselves.

To address the many different research questions a great variety of experts in the Netherlands have teamed up in the Hybrid Intelligence Centre. On Wednesday November 15 two of its prominent members will be guests in the Science Café to present the HI project and delve deeper into associated key scientific and philosophical questions. Professor in Human-Centered Computing Mark Neerincx (TUD, TNO) will elaborate on the concepts and research related to ‘mutualistic symbiosis’ and the co-development of human and artificial intelligence, illustrated by his work on social robots. Professor in Ethics and Technology Ibo van de Poel (TUD) will introduce us to the fundamental philosophical differences between AI and humans and how they shape their intricate interaction. Can AI systems integrate properties such as intentionality, moral agency, and responsibility? Can we trust such systems and to which extent shall we stay in control? During this evening, indie-electronica wizard Jaro will let us experience live how exciting a human-machine symbiosis can sound.

scientists /8pm Mark Neerincx (TUD, TNO) and Ibo van de Poel (TUD)

music /7.30pm  Jaro

moderator          Maïté Tjon A Hie

time                    Wednesday November 15th 2023, 7.30/8 – 10 pm
The Shamrock, Smetiusstraat 17 in Nijmegen

admission          free admission (no reservation)

language            Dutch
