
HV TV: The eastern Netherlands most innovative health region in NL?!

From the only real Health Valley studio, our trusted presenter Suzanne Verheijden challenges various guests in 55 minutes. This time we will discuss how we in the East of the Netherlands can ensure that in 2040 we live five years longer in good health and reduce health differences between social classes. The theme and the question: is the East Netherlands the most innovative health region in NL?

What are we doing in the East Netherlands to achieve this goal? Where is our strength? How do we use this strength optimally? What can we expect? And what can you as an entrepreneur, knowledge institution or healthcare organisation do to contribute to this?

Reserve Friday 22 April 2022 10.00 in your agenda for our eleventh HV TV broadcast, your healthy coffee break!

HV TV, the fun coffee break talks, just at your home!

Prof. Pim Assendelft, Professor of prevention in healthcare at Radboudumc
Monique Esselbrugge, Alderman at Nijmegen City Council

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