
Business model Check Up

Business models aren’t valid forever. Your own direction changes over time, the world around you changes and sometimes things develop differently from what you had expected. What every company needs is a periodical check-up of its business model. Done by critical thinkers with a wealth of experience in where business models can go wrong and lead to failure. The earlier you can see the faults in you business model the better you can prepare to avoid the pitfalls. Success favours those who are prepared!

In this workshop we will lead you through a number of pitfalls of, especially digital, innovations that can effectively make you fail. In this way, we help you to avoid these pitfalls yourself and become successful. We will share examples about innovations that got stuck and how entrepreneurs got back on track. And offer advice on your situation!

We conclude with a business model check up of your idea and organisation: How strong is your organization when it comes to innovation and which developments can strengthen or undermine your idea? We combine everything we have shared to create a mini action plan for you.

A participant’s feedback from previous workshop: “I did not expect the hands-on and practical approach the workshop took, I have found it very useful and was happy that my business case could get attention.”

The workshop is given by two innovators of InnoValor, Claudia Vermeulen and Liesbeth Hijink. Afterwards, you will receive a trend book with digital trends and the tools we have worked with.

Live event
We aim to organize this workshop in a live setting and will take all necessary RIVM/national measures into account. If a physical workshop is not possible, we will reschedule to a later date.
Good to know
We finish off with drinks & bites. This workshop is free of charge and facilitated in English. Please register upfront!