
New analysis on the Healthcare, IT, Software & Technology market

Aeternus, supporting partner of Briskr and specialised in company valuation, has published a new analysis on the Healthcare IT, Software & Technology market. It gives an overview of the most important investors, deal flow of the last two years. Also it gives some direction in thinking on valuation of healthcare IT companies. This is an interesting report for any healthcare company looking for investors or thinking about company valuation. It is available in both English and Dutch.
“The large number of deals in healthcare IST shows that the market is hot for these companies. It is a mix of a primary sector with interesting growth opportunities in a world of extensive automation and digitalization and the huge availability of investment capital. Prices for Healthcare IST companies have therefore risen sharply. In addition, an interesting development is that Private Equity parties regularly outbid strategic buyers.”
You can find the report here.
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The Briskr team