
Meeting Your Peers Engineers #1Multiphysics Simulation

By popular demand, the High Tech Network Meetings are back in action. We will now be organizing the ‘Meeting Your Peers Engineers’ about five times a year at the Noviotech Campus in Nijmegen!

These free gatherings are specially designed for engineers working in Nijmegen and the surrounding areas at High Tech/Semicon companies. The goal is simple yet powerful: to meet each other, share knowledge, and stay informed about the latest developments in our sector.

Ampleon in the spotlight
The kickoff will take place on Thursday, June 25, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Noviotech Campus. Ampleon will take the spotlight and provide the lunch. Their Director Modelling and Characterization Group,Vittorio Cuoco, will dive into one of Ampleon’s specialties: Multiphysics Simulation. Increasing pressure on cost and performance of modern MMIC products for 5G and RF applications require EM-based optimization of designs to gain competitive advantage.

To make sure that temperatures and mechanical stress levels remain under reliability limits for smaller and smaller packing solutions, Multiphysics simulations are needed at product and system level, including full chip, package, board and cooling blocks to ensure that temperatures and the mechanical stress levels remain under reliability limits.

Having EM and Multiphysics tools under the same roof with a simple interface improves efficiency, boost productivity, and enables cutting-edge designs of high-performance products.

Demcon Multiphysics shares examples of projects
Elze Knol, Group Leader at Demcon Multiphysics, will be our guest speaker. We are excited to announce that!

Demcon Multiphysics is specialized in complex multiphysics simulations, mainly using finite element and finite volume methods. Using such simulations, they gain deep physical insight of a design and can increase the efficiency of product development. Elze will share some examples of projects they performed, a.o. modeling of combined electromagnetic and thermal effects.


11:45 – 12:15     Walk in and lunch at Pop-Up Horeca (front of building M)

12:15 – 12:35     Vincent Gerritsma (CEO) about Ampleon (Building M)

12:35 – 12:55     Vittorio Cuoco about Multiphysics Simulation at Ameplon

12:55 – 13:15     Elze Knol from Demcon Multiphysics

13:15 – 13:30     Wrap-up & introduction next meeting

Mark Luke Farrugia, Managing Director of the Chip Integration Technology Center (CITC) (located at Noviotech Campus), will be the moderator of the Meeting Your Peers Engineers meetings.Don’t miss this opportunity to network and expand your knowledge! Sign up quickly and reserve your spot for June 25. It will be an inspiring and valuable session that you won’t want to miss!

Sign up via this link.